Write a program to calculate the bill amount for an item given its quantity sold, value, discount ,and tax.
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
float total_amt,amt, sub_total,discount_amt, tax_amt,qty,val,discount,tax;
printf ("\n Enter the quantity of item sold: ");
printf("\n Enter the value of item: ");
scanf("%f", & val);
printf("\n Enter the discount percentage: ");
scanf("%f", &discount);
printf("\n Enter the tax: ");
scanf("%f", &tax);
amt = qty * val;
discount_amt = (amt * discount)/100.0;
sub_total = amt - discount_amt;
tax_amt =(sub_total * tax)/100.0;
total_amt = sub_total + tax_amt;
printf("\n\n\n ************BILL***********");
printf("\n Quantity Sold: %f", qty);
printf("\n Price per item: %f",val);
printf("\n ----------------");
printf("\n Amount:%f",discount_amt);
printf("\n Discount:%f",discount_amt);
printf("\n Discounted total: %f", sub_total);
printf("\n tax: + %f", tax_amt);
printf("\n Total amount %f", total_amt);
return 0;
//ok lets see output.
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